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부정사절과 that-절

scoor17 2022. 9. 5. 22:51

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바이낸스 추천코드로 가입하고 수수료 25% 평생 할인 받으세요! 바이낸스 가입코드, 레퍼럴코드, 추천코드, 할인코드  :  ( 286562663 ) 아래 링크를 통해 가입시 25% 할인 받을 수 있습니다 http




< 부정사절과 that- >

Complementizer: that, for


I consider [(that) Mary will be a doctor].

I consider [(for) Mary to be a doctor].


I want [him to leave].

I want very much [for him to leave].

What I want is for John to leave.


I tried to go.

I tried [(for) PRO to go]


I would prefer to leave.

I would prefer [for you to leave].


[For Max to have been beaten] is barely credible.


#Small clauses 5형식인가 3형식인가?

1. AP 보어

a. She presumed her father dead

b. That music drives me mad.


a. Larry considers [that my brother is a genius]

b. Larry considers [ my brother to be a genius]

c. Larry considers [my brother a genius]-small clause


a. She presumed [that her father was dead]

b. She presumed [her father to be dead]

c. She presumed [her father dead]



a. We painted the ceiling green.

b. She flung all the window open.


c. He likes his coffee strong.

d. I drank the milk hot.


e. We painted the ceiling.

f. He likes his coffee.


g. *She presumed her father.

h. *That music drives me.


소절구문에서 직접 목적어가 길면 형용사가 뒤에 온다.


a.The governor set the prisoners free.

b. The governor set free all those prisoners whose offences were purely political.


a. He made his views clear.

b. He made clear his views on this unusual proposal.


목적어가 부정사, 동명사, 시제절 일때 형용사 뒤에 둔다.


a. I found it pleasant to live in the country.

b. Jane found it dull working at the kitchen ink all day.

c. He made it clear that he objected to the proposal.

d. You have not made it clear whether financial help will be forthcoming.


2. NP 보어

a. Tom told Bill a story

b. Tom thought Bill a fool.


a' Tom told a story to Bill.

b'*Tom thought a fool to/for Bill.


a. Tom told [Bill] [a story]

b. Tom thought [Bill a fool]



a. He made the job success.

b. They declared Newton president of the Royal Society


c. She has dyed her hair a dark green shade.

d. He painted the house a bright shade of red.


c'. She has dyed her hair

d'. He painted the house


a'. *He made the job

b'. *They declared Newton


3. 부정사 보어-부사보어

They made him understand.

They saw the dog sleep under a tree.

Tim watched Bill mend a car.

We found the house (to be)deserted.

I would like my room (to be ) cleaned

I must have my hair cut.



John promised [Mary] [to leave].

John promised [Mary] [that he would leave].


I persuaded [him] [that he should leave]

I persuaded [her] [to give up those ideas]

I can‘t convinced [him] [that I was innocent].

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비트코인 바이낸스 거래소 선물거래, 마진거래방법 가이드 - 바이낸스 회원가입(계정생성)


비트코인 바이낸스 선물거래, 마진거래 방법 feat.바이낸스 회원가입

바이낸스 거래소 선물 및 마진거래 방법! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. 바이낸스 회원가입 2. 국내코인거래소에서 코인을 구매 후 바이낸스 지갑으로 전송. 3...



비트코인 바이낸스 마진거래방법, 선물거래방법 - USDT


바이낸스 선물, 마진거래 방법 (USDT)

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